Hello World Device Driver




static int hello_init(void)
      printk("Hello World\n");
      return 0;


static void hello_exit(void)
     printk("Bye World\n");




obj-m := hello_world.o
KERNELDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)

all :
    $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) M=$(PWD) modules


   $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) M=$(PWD) clean

Now we will understand the code line by line


These header files contains the definition of the module_init() and module_exit() functions.


MODULE_LICENSE() informs the kernel the license used by the source code,which will affect the functions it can access from  the kernel.MODULE_LICENSE("GPL") can access all the functions.


It specifies the author of the code.The importance of the macro is to know the author of the code when it is used by some other people.

static int hello_init(void)
      printk("Hello World\n");
      return 0;


hello_init() is a function which is registered to module_init and will be called when the driver is loaded.It just prints Hello World to the kernel message buffer.

static void hello_exit(void)
     printk("Bye World\n");


hello_exit() is a function registered to module_exit and will be called when the driver is unloaded or removed.It prints Bye World to the kernel message buffer.


These are macros not functions. module_init() macro tells the kernel which function has to be called when the module is loaded.module_exit() macro tells the kernel which function has to be called when the module is unloaded.All the initializations has to be done in the function specified by module_init() and all the unintializations has to be done in the function specified by the module_exit() macro

Makefile contains the instructions for building the module.

obj-m := hello_world.o

obj-m := specifies the list of modules which has to be built.The .o files will be automatically be built from the .c source files.

KERNELDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build

KERNELDIR is pointing to the location of the kernel source build folder

PWD := $(shell pwd)

PWD is pointing to the location of the current directory.

$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) M=$(PWD) modules

This specify to run make with the kernel source directory and  build the modules present only in the PWD directory.

To install the module: 
insmod hello_world.ko

To uninstall the module:
rmmod hello_world


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