Installing Raspbian Lite on Raspberry pi3

Raspbian Lite is the operating system you want to choose, when you want to use sensors or web based applications on RaspberryPi.

Raspbian vs Raspbian Lite:

Raspbian lite is a minimal version of Raspbian. Following software/packages are removed from raspbian lite:

  • Wolfram
  • Libre Office
  • Xserver
It’s ideal if you intend to run the Raspberry Pi as a headless server without a GUI.

Download Raspbian Lite from the Raspberry Website:

To install, you can use various softwares. I am using etcher.

Connect the SD Card, and flash the image 

After flashing on the SD Card, connect it to the Raspberry Pi 3, connect Display over HDMI and power the device.

You will get a login screen. Login Details:
User name: pi, Password: raspberrypi

Complete Initial Setup without connecting monitor and keyboard

1. Mount the SD Card and change directory to 'boot' volume.
2. Create wpa-supplicant.conf file with the following contents.

  • ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  • network={
  • key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
  • }
3. Create an empty file 'ssh' in the same folder to enable ssh.

4. Now you can login in to router page or follow this link to find out the IP Address of Raspberry Pi3

5. ssh pi@<ipaddress>


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