Display format/color text on the shell

Terminals can display texts in color as well as allow formatting with the help of escape sequences.

Escape Sequence = Escape Character + FormatCode+'m' = "<esc>[FormatCodem"

Escape character can be '\e', \033, \x1B

The format code for Red is 31, so to print the Text in Red.

echo -e '\033[31mHello World'

The -e option of the echo command enable the parsing of the escape sequences.

If you want the background to be Red the format code is 41.

echo -e '\033[41mHello World'

We can add multiple format codes with a ; as delimeter

 echo -e '\033[42;31mHello World'

To remove all formatting, the format code is 0.

echo -e '\033[31mHello \033[0mWorld'

It is better to add \033[0m at the end of each colored text.

To Bold the text, the format code is 1.

echo -e '\033[1mHello World'

You can find more format codes in the below link:


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